Duplicate gifts, now a thing of the past

December 16, 2022

Imagine the scene.

You are enjoying a holiday party or birthday celebration, only to discover that someone else has already gotten the gift you had brought for your loved one. You feel your heart sink as you realize that your carefully planned surprise has been ruined. A terrible situation!

Today, we set out to put an end to this awkwardness by introducing one of our most highly requested features:

With Claim, you can now reserve gifts for other people, on any of their lists. This means that when you see something that you would like to get them, you can claim it before anyone else has the chance to.

Claim also lets you see the gifts that were already reserved by other people. And of course, you can claim items that were already claimed, because there are some gifts we never have enough of!

Not only does this prevent the awkward situation of duplicate gifts, but it also takes the stress out of finding the perfect present. With Swaver, you can browse through your friend or loved one’s wishlist and easily claim any item that catches your eye.

With the new Claim feature, Swaver is changing the way we give and receive gifts. Say goodbye to the frustration and anxiety of gift-giving, and say hello to a more enjoyable and personalized experience.

Go to today and start using the Claim feature to reserve gifts for your friends and loved ones. It’s the perfect way to make sure that everyone gets what they truly want, without any of the hassle.

Swaver is a wishlist that allows you to organize your gift ideas. Give it a try, for free.

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